Front Step Photos Tour

With self isolation weighing on me (and my social skills) lately, I recently surveyed some of my clients to see if they were in as much need as I was for a reason to get dressed up, showered, and have something FUN to look forward to.

I was so thrilled at the response to this request and for the opportunity to spend a few days driving around the twin cities with my camera to visit some of my favorite people from afar.

My first stop was to visit my colleague, desk-neighbor, and friend from work, Sanjay. I used to look forward to seeing his face every morning when I got into the office. It’s the little in-person encounters like comparing notes from our weekends, exchanging recipes, or lunchtime plant runs to Gertens that I miss so much lately.

During times like these, full of grief, stress, and uncertainty, I find comfort in capturing and reflecting upon the love we inherently share for one another as human beings.

Whether it’s the love you have for your neighbor when you clear snow from their walk after a storm, or the love you have for the people closest to you that make up the very fabric of your life; it’s this love that gives us the strength to not only survive, but maybe even find ways to thrive during this time.


So I jumped at the opportunity to get in my car (mask in hand) and seek out as much of this love as I could find. And let me tell you, I found so much!

Everywhere I went, even despite the collective grief we’ve all been feeling because of this pandemic, there were so many reasons to celebrate love instead:

The love of first birthday photos, marking a very special boy’s first full year being the coolest lil dude around.

The innocence and unconditional nature of a child’s love for a stranger. There were multiple times I had to run away, broken hearted, from these precious little darlings that just wanted give me a hug because they were happy to see me and don’t yet understand the danger in doing so.

The love of having a new family member and growing up into the best big sister you can possibly be.

The love of family and having so many people that care so deeply for each other through all the ups and downs that life throws their way…

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… and the love and excitement that comes with expecting a new addition to that family.

The unconditional love of our furry companions, who are undoubtedly in full support of the stay at home mandates and are loving every minute it.


The love and appreciation for each other that comes with new routines and facing challenges that we didn’t ever think we’d have to face… but we’re facing them together.

The love of a parent. Love that nurtures our curiosity to learn and see the world, while simultaneously trying to protect us from the worst the world has to offer.


And the love for the new normal. As we’re forced to slow down and start looking inward, we find opportunities to adjust our perspectives and priorities. New joy and love presents itself in the simplicity of just being together.


So if you’re struggling with all the negativity like I was, I hope this post will help you remember that despite the unprecedented challenges and grief we are all facing, we are all facing this together and there is still so much love that can be celebrated.

Take care of yourselves… and each other. XO