Cecelia, you're melting my heart! | 6 Months

Miss Cece is growing WAY too fast. Her overwhelmingly cute, kissable cheeks and that little half smirk totally melted my heart during her 6 month session.

One of my favorite parts of this work is watching these kiddos grow and little miss Cecelia is no exception. I've known her parents since before they got married just over 3 years ago and now I get to see their family take on life's new adventures!


This sweet little family is continuing to grow and is saying goodbye to their first home this spring! To mark the importance of this big transition we held Cecelia's 6 month session in their cozy living room.

To add to the nostalgia, Kristi's mom dropped by with a dress Kristi wore in her 6 month photos so we could recreate some of those classic 80's JC Penny gems.  


Oh and grandma got in some of the shots too! How cute is this generation shot of the girls? 

All of the pictures from this session make me so happy. Happy 1/2 Birthday sweet girl, I can't wait to see what the next 6 months brings for you!
